Problems with reading full threads

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Sometimes when I’m scrolling through a thread, all of a sudden the page skips right to the last reaction. It happens on both mobile and regular computer.
Yesterday I wasn’t able to see the team final live and wanted to read the full thread. While scrolling, he keeps skipping me to the last reaction. Only if I scroll reaaaally slow, it kind of works (happened only once or twice). Does anyone else experience this?
When this happens, there is a little blue button on the bottom right that you can press that says “back”. If you click on it, you skip forward to where you left off.
I see in on my browser too, but on the slider on the right side that shows the timeline of posts. I use Chrome though.
I haven’t been having the “starting 20 posts back” issue at all this afternoon/evening.
I didn’t have my original issue, but I have been sent back today. Happened only once and it was indeed about 20 posts.
I had the problem only on long threads. MAG finals thread wasn’t an issue yesterday. Will see how WAG AA thread goes. That will be the real test
Jumping back has been happening for me too, just happened with this thread. It does tend to be worse for longer threads.

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