Men's Program At USOPTC Shutting Down; EVO to privately fund much of team

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He calls gymnastics a “small dying sport” yikes!
On that MAG side, it is a dying sport. 60 years ago in 1963 there were 200+ men’s teams competing. Before Simpson and Greenville started this year, there were only 13. But most of these 200 teams were division 1, so they offered scholarships. Division 3 teams don’t need to offer the scholarships, so they can add the sport without also needing to add money to cover the athletic scholarships.

If the sport is going to survive at the NCAA level, it won’t be because of division 1.
Division 3 cannot offer athletic scholarships.
Right that is what I said. They don’t need to offer scholarships, which division 1 teams do. So that frees up money because division 3 teams don’t have to also account for scholarship money in the budget.

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