Men's NCAA Roster Snapshots

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I'm going through the teams to see who has left, who is returning, and who is coming in
I'll add to it as I complete them. I'm starting with the teams competing next week.


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Michigan - click to view.
Paul Juda is coming back for a 5th year, so Michigan will have a one two punch with Richard and Juda.
They only finished 2.56 points behind Stanford last year - without Juda.
Stanford isn't losing too many people, and they have a one two punch of Young and Hong.

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I remember judging David Shamah at local competitions when he was a little kid. Talented athlete.
It's crazy that Stanford is so stacked. It almost makes the idea of a league like NCAA funny. Even if, say, Michigan could compete against them...

What happened to Oklahoma? Why no huge stars on the team these days? I feel like it happened while I was watching and I did not even really notice.
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Michigan has a chance to beat Stanford. They were less than 3 points back last year without Paul Juda.

These things go in cycles. I think Oklahoma is fired up after missing the podium last year.
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Air Force Snapshot - two of their big AA people (Braunton and Zaval) and the PH star (Hoopes) are coming back

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What really killed Oklahoma at NCAAs was low start values on SR. I haven't perused their juniors enough to see if that will be better this year.
Fuzzy Benas should be back this year.

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