Figure Skating Thread (Olympic Spoilers/Discussion starting at post #16)

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That fact that Russia was able to still compete after such a huge state-sponsored doping scandal has led to Valieva’s situation. There have been few meaningful consequences for cheating so why stop giving the athletes the latest drugs to improve endurance, delay puberty and who knows what else?
Surely those two Russian coaches knew that their star was being given banned drugs? I don’t know how they can claim ignorance. Seeing them watching the Russian men compete last night, as if nothing had happened, beggars belief!
Valieva has been seen training today…so it seems she is still in contention for women’s singles.

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I think that the Russian coaches and Russian team doctor selected the drugs to give to the 15 year old. It seems possible that neither she or her parents knew exactly what was in the pills/drinks etc. And I would be shocked if the other top athletes under that coach are not on the same drugs.

Other athletes previously under Eteri have said “of course they take drugs” and there have been other suspicious performances (possibly drug enhanced performances?) over the years. What is the most logical explanation when an athlete, recovering from Covid, struggles to breath while completing a 2.5 minute routine with three jump elements on one day (nearly passing out on the ice) but the next day nails a 4 minute program with 8 harder jumping elements and is in much stronger physical condition? Maybe she had a good night’s sleep or maybe she was given a drug which helped oxygen get to her heart to improve her endurance. That is circumstantial evidence but given the recent history of doping test failures within Russian figure skating it makes sense to assume PEDs still have an important place in the training plan.

Dave Lease of The Skating Lesson has a instructive video on Youtube for those who don’t regularly follow figure skating.
One of the things that’s sort of fucked up about that scenario is… if it works that well, why tf aren’t all the people suffering with COVID taking this?

I also recall doing some reading on HGH and tendon injuries after seeing some comments about Dalaloyan and learning that it’s theorized that HGH helps heal much faster/better, but it’s basically impossible to research because of doping rules.

I don’t know much about how WADA operates but these sorts of scenarios seem like things athletes should be able to use under a research TUE while actually sick or injured.
I read today in non- Russian outlets that the drug isn’t supposed to be performance enhancing though. I mean I know nothing, but that’s what I read in a newspaper, it was either Spanish or German
I read today in non- Russian outlets that the drug isn’t supposed to be performance enhancing though. I mean I know nothing, but that’s what I read in a newspaper, it was either Spanish or German
It doesn’t matter what opinions a media outlet has on whether it’s performance enhancing or not.
It is currently on the WADA banned list.

As Doug mentioned to me, it was for actual medication purposes, why did someone not file a TUE for her.

Biles got her TUE for her ADHD medication after all.
they’re laughing and joking at the boards as if they know she’s gonna get cleared
I wonder if she’s been cleared. If so, what’s the delay with the medal ceremony? Are there appeals still ongoing behind the scenes? Appeals can take months. If she medals in ladies next week, will they have to delay that ceremony, too?
If they haven’t made a decision yet, they should still let her practice in case she is cleared. I don’t think it means she’s already been cleared, necessarily.
At this point she has a positive test for a banned substance. She is done.

Probably still training because nothing is official yet.
I feel like why should I even watch a bunch of cheaters. It’s such a disappointment. I think I’ll read a book. Or watch reruns of some crap reality show

ETA: Sorry to be a Debbie Downer. It just sucks to think we will see cheating rewarded.
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Poor Roman Sadovksy of Canada. Gorgeous spins and presentation, bombs his jumps, and then I look him up and see that his parents are Ukrainian.

Checks out from a WAG fan point of view 😭
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