Figure Skating Thread (Olympic Spoilers/Discussion starting at post #16)

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One must wonder whether these drugs make it easier for you to put all your jumps in the second half… ahem 2018 Olympic champion ahem
I feel like a suspension should be to the end of this season, but I’m not sure that that’s what’s going to happen because of CAS’s decision to let her compete in the first place.
oooh what’s this gymtruthteller stuff? I used to post in ggmb, but got supended for evading the word filters about the Romanians back in the day 😍
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Commentators who don’t say unessesary things, that must be heaven!! :crazy_face:
There was nothing to say, her skate was beautiful and moving, the less said the better.

It does not matter if you personally disagree with the decision to let her compete. you are paid to do a job so freaking do it :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: your personal opinion should not matter to commentate the performances.
Very unprofessional of them…
That’s pretty rough, they are expected to give their opinion on things such as scores and their fairness, why would their opinion about this situation be off limits? It was definitely interesting to see the different approaches from commentators from different countries tho.
Hmm, I disagree. She shouldn’t be on the ice. Fawning over her is really inappropriate to the other athletes in the meet.

She’s a drug cheat. Let’s just say it.
No, she isn’t a drugs cheat any more than Raducan was a drugs cheat. It is extremely unlikely she knew she was taking a banned substance.
She gets to compete because of a decision way out of my (and her) control, I choose to enjoy her performance, and I did enjoy it a lot. Our commentators also concidered the girl, not the possible scandal behind it and I am happy for that. They mentioned it and informed their public, and informed them why she got to compete and what the consequences might be for her, and will be for the other skaters. Nice, and as drama free as possible.
Is it fair for the other skaters who will, at this time not receive medals? No! It is not.
Is it Valieva’s decision? No it is not.

All the drama just takes away from the performances of ALL the skaters, as everyone is only talking about the scandall. Let’s keep it until after the games and just enjoy the skating for now.

I really admired her short programm after all the press, emotions and uncertainties. She faltered a little but came through and delivered under enormous pressure, there is no drugs in the world that can help you do that 🙃
as everyone is only talking about the scandall
Don’t talk about the drug cheat in the hope that we all forget about it and we recognise the Russians as the true winners, yay Olympics 4ever!
No, she isn’t a drugs cheat any more than Raducan was a drugs cheat. It is extremely unlikely she knew she was taking a banned substance.
There’s a difference between taking a Sudafed when you’re sick, and taking a cocktail of 3 heart-inducing drugs, presumably over a long period.

You cannot compare them. Classic “whataboutism” to do so.
It is extremely unlikely she knew she was taking a banned substance.
She knew she was taking a substance. Three. At least.

Maybe her, or her mom, should have asked “what am I taking here?”

Tara said she was schooled on this from 11 years of age.
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I just realized i don’t have a strong opinion on this because i just don’t respect this sport at all. I mean i respect all the athletes and such, but the judging system is such bullshit that this is just one more cherry on top of the cake for me.
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The situation in Russia is completely different, child athletes are treated as the property of the state and are often purposefully isolated from their families.

As for teenage girls querying doctors, it just doesn’t happen. As we have seen with cases like Nasser
She’s a 15 year old girl, in a coaching set up that is known to be abusive and coercive. But sure, if you get off on calling her a drugs cheat, knock yourself out.
No, she isn’t a drugs cheat any more than Raducan was a drugs cheat.
Difference is that Romania was not sanctioned due to a state wide doping system designed to help them cheat to ensure the win.

Romania never had to compete as the Romanian Olympic Committee or the Olympic Athletes from Romania either.

It is easy to understand the error made by the team doctor who fully admitted to giving the cold medication out and Raducan admitted she took it under the advise of the team doctor.

Compared to three different heart medications being given to a 15 year old, who does not need them, who has blamed the positive test on an accident with grandpa’s medicine, and who didn’t filed for a TUE.

Yup…they should be treated the same way all right.
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The situation in Russia is completely different, child athletes are treated as the property of the state and are often purposefully isolated from their families.
I assign Valieva way more agency over this than you do. But I hope team Tutberidze goes down over this for Russia’s sake. Figure skating’s popular now but parents will tire of the numerous problems arising with the renewed popularity. Valieva will have to be punished for this to happen though.
Ok, let’s say she knew or at least suspected that something wasn’t right. Do you really expect a child to be able to speak up and say my coaches/doctors are doing this? Who is she realistically supposed to tell?

The inability from many who have respond, to see Kamila as a child is quite alarming

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