Figure Skating Thread (Olympic Spoilers/Discussion starting at post #16)

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Hot Tea Reaction GIF by Shalita Grant
I doubt Russian social media is saying the same. Probably all a Western conspiracy against her.
I’ve no idea how sympathetic Russian social media is towards Valieva now. I do know the English language outpouring was virtually all accompanied by sticking the boot into Eteri though, so she’d not enjoy that too much unless she had a masochistic streak.
Yeah the general feel is for Valieva and against her whole entourage. Which, frankly, sounds fair to me. The German commentator was getting increasingly pissed as the program was going on. They also said eteri asked her why she kept on going for quads after the triple axel, apparently the plan was no more quads if that didn’t work.

OTOH, and I know I don’t shut up about this, but it’s a fucking disgrace of a sport that after such a program all the commentators were like “i think that might not be enough to get her into the medals”. If this doesn’t CLEARLY push you off a podium, what does in this sport.
There is a minor girl involved in this, do you even realize this? Or are you too involved in US skating and winning (remember US gymnastics & Lassar?) that you don’t give a fuck about a girl who does not have a choice? Both coaches should be shot however Valieva? I feel so sorry about being a victim in this but the world press and “skating fans” making her out to be the suspect…
Well the women’s event has been quite a saga. I hope a lot of adults think about how they contributed over the past 20 years to this mess. The athletes deserves so much better.
It’s very interesting the marked difference between the reaction to this, versus historic age falsification where the gymnast most definitely knew what was being done and why. No one ever says they should have spoken up, and I’ve never seen Silivas being called a cheat! The blame has rightly been assigned to the coaches, federation and government. The situation with Valieva isn’t any different.
This is WILD. Please someone tear this sport away and rebuild it from scratch cause this is just insane.

Any Russian speaker please confirm?

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What a hideous series of a events. I can’t imagine going through all of this, plus the pressure of the Olympics, at her age.
TBF I do remember the odd dipshit suggestion about He Kexin in 08. There was one instance when someone on GW said she should do the right thing, and compared it to a friend of theirs telling on someone cheating in a spelling bee or some such. But that sticks out because it was unusual, I think. Most people seemed to either get immediately or understand when it was explained that she was hardly in a position to do much about it.
There is a minor girl involved in this, do you even realize this? Or are you too involved in US skating and winning (remember US gymnastics & Lassar?) that you don’t give a fuck about a girl who does not have a choice? Both coaches should be shot however Valieva? I feel so sorry about being a victim in this but the world press and “skating fans” making her out to be the suspect…
Who said anything about me being involved in US skating and winning??
I did not and on top of that Americans had no chance at medaling anyway.
Valieva is not to blame 100% but the more and more comes out I do suspect she was not entirely oblivious to what was going on.

It is unfortunate what happened to her but that should be blamed entirely on the coaching staff and delegation.

Additionally I will clarify since you seem confused and upset about my gif.
The karma gif is strictly for Eteri and other staff who thought they could get away with this and take home a medal. It backfired completely and now maybe they won’t attempt it again due to the controversy and outcome.

Did you really want Valieva to win last night?

You should also be angry at Johnny Weir who said “Thank god!” after Gannon said Valieva was 4th and not going to medal.
The other 2 Russians got a medal ceremony and so did Sakamoto. Unfortunately, the Japanese and US teams won’t get their medal ceremony due to this situation.

You seem to forget that Valieva is not the only victim in this who fiasco. No one seems to be bringing that up.
Well, that was completely awful to watch

And that is two Olympics in a row where the marquee events have left me feeling more awful for the athletes than able to simply enjoy sporting effort

Quite the world view change from when I was a teenage athlete who thought I would do (almost) anything to win, including enduring abusive coaching insults and starving myself. If that world view wasn’t shattered in years past, it sure as heck is now.
Eteri’s camp has been an issue for me since the last Olympics. The way she treated Alina and Evgenia (and i legit had to go look up their names because they were replaced so quickly with newer, better versions) rubbed me the wrong way. And, ngl, I still think Yuna Kim wuz robbed in 2014 (but that is pre-Eteri).
To be fair medvedeva was there for relatively long for eteri’s standards, what, three seasons?
I did bring it up in former posts.
If she had skated the best, yes I would like her to have won. She didn’t however, very understandable with all the drama about her.
I did not watch USA coverage so I did not hear what they had to say about it, I can just imagine it would not have been pretty. Our commentator was quite drama free, brought it up, explained it but also made a point that she is 15, Russian, and might not have a say in what she is taking, eating, etc. They definately made a point that the coach should be investigated and if guilty, should be banned for life.
Oke so their job is to destroy minor athletes without any concideration about the person in their own desire to create and enhance drama without any integrity?

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