Figure Skating Thread (Olympic Spoilers/Discussion starting at post #16)

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From what I’ve read on a figure skating group, there are some Russians on there, and they say you can buy this medicine over the counter, no script needed.
Watching the ice dance and it was pretty obvious the fix was in when the Russian skated. (like, almost no one has gotten over 130 points and then bam, the US team gets just over 130 and the Russian team gets 131 for a skate that I found a bit snoozy) And geez, there are a few elements the french team have not gotten a single deduction on, everything must have been +5 for the score. If they keep competing, are they going to have to redo the scale again?
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Kamila is allowed to compete. No decision on the team medal or other decisions regarding any possible suspension, etc.

Edit to add highlighted parts.
  1. On the basis of the very limited facts of this case, and after consideration of the relevant legal
    issues, it has determined that no provisional suspension should be imposed on the Athlete due
    to the following exceptional circumstances:
    a) The Athlete is a “Protected Person” under the World Anti-Doping Code (WADC);
    b) The RUSADA Anti-Doping Rules and the WADC are silent with respect to provisional
    suspension imposed on protected persons, while these rules have specific provisions for
    different standards of evidence and for lower sanctions in the case of protected persons;
    c) The Panel considered fundamental principles of fairness, proportionality, irreparable harm,
    and the relative balance of interests as between the Applicants and the Athlete, who did not
    test positive during the Olympic Games in Beijing and is still subject to a disciplinary
    procedure on the merits following the positive anti-doping test undertaken in December
    2021; in particular, the Panel considered that preventing the Athlete from competing at the
    Olympic Games would cause her irreparable harm in these circumstances;
    d) The CAS Panel also emphasized that there were serious issues of untimely notification of
    the results of the Athlete’s anti-doping test that was performed in December 2021 which
    impinged upon the Athlete’s ability to establish certain legal requirements for her benefit,
    while such late notification was not her fault, in the middle of the Olympic Winter Games
    Beijing 2022.
Full document in PDF.

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How come, then, judge 2 gave him a 9.5 for Skating Skills, and judges 6 and 9 gave him a 9.0 for Interpretation?

Can anyone explain?
ugh there you go again with your “rules” and your “fairness”. Have you seen how sparkly he looked? How can you not give that a 9?

on a more serious note, I see pcs hasn’t changed. If you look at the general scores, still no one judge has a larger span that 1 point for a skater on his PCS. In other words, no skater has “7” skating skills but a “9” performance, and of course you could never tell who has the best transitions in the final, or well, you can: in each of the 5 categories chen is best, then the second is 2nd best in all, then the third is 3rd best in all. This is just the most blatant riggery system ever. I actually almost find it a feat of diplomacy that this system stands, it would be interesting to understand why do the more powerful nations uphold this. They might expect their skaters will be held up when their turn comes?
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I’m so mad with this decision, but it’s not like Raducan ever received a suspension, even a provisional one, so I can’t really say I’m surprised. And Raducan wasn’t a protected person, being 16 almost 17.
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So basically the rule is - dope up ur kids, if they test positive domestically, hide it and wait until after they’ve competed before u tell anyone.

Got it 📝
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Normally 24 skaters make the final, but the IOC has requested that 25 be allowed to continue. Also, no flower ceremony after the final and no medal ceremony. The IOC plans to organize a “dignified ceremony” at a later date. Sounds like they fully expect Valieva to be stripped of any medal she might win pending further investigation.
What a horrible situation for the eventual clean medalists. They’ll never get their true olympic moment.

This ruling might do more damage to undermine public confidence in the Olympics than anything Russia did in 2014.

Now - you get caught even BEFORE the Olympics and they still let you compete.

Mind blowing. The fact that she is 15 should literally have zero relevance here. The arguments set forth in that ruling make zero sense to me, Of course she would suffer irreparable harm. Any doped athlete suffers irreparable harm if you don’t let them compete. That’s the whole fucking point!

The other argument essentially says “the rules don’t say what to do when a 15 year old is caught doping, so we don’t know what to do”. Useless!
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This is all so enraging. Russia, Russian Olympic Committee, whatever name they are going by, needs to be banned, period. These slap on the wrist “suspensions” very clearly are not a meaningful consequence. The Sambo coaching and medical staff need to be banned permanently, and the doctor in particularly should be banned from all sports since this is far from the first time he’s been caught doping athletes. What they’re doing to children is beyond the pale.

I feel for the Russian athletes, most all of them are pawns in this, and the ones like Valieva and other young skaters are utterly powerless. I feel for all the other athletes who aren’t getting their Olympic medal moment because of this, and who are having to compete against a state-sponsored doping operation. But something drastic must happen if (if) the IOC and ISU (and other sports feds) are serious about cracking down on doping.
I quit watching a few days ago. I can’t with the cheating. The rules should be fairly applied across all sports. It’s time to raise the age limit too.
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This is all so enraging. Russia, Russian Olympic Committee, whatever name they are going by, needs to be banned, period. These slap on the wrist “suspensions” very clearly are not a meaningful consequence.
sam richardson GIF by Team Coco
The skaters should all compete the short program so they can have their “Olympic moment” and then all of them should withdraw for the long program. The IOC can have a final of 3 skaters who were always going to win anyway and the fallout of having every other skater tell them to screw off.

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