Aly Raisman - Call Her Daddy Podcast

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Mar 5, 2022
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I'm still making my way through this, but there are some interesting things I didn't know. Aly has had to be hospitalized twice because her body shut down and she experienced paralysis & other stroke-like symptoms. She says she has barely exercised in 8 years because she gets sick when she does (nausea, migraine, etc).
When did these symptoms start? After her gymnastics career? Hope she finds some relief, sounds awful.
I like Aly, but she can be really disingenuous. Saying she was made to feel so insecure because in High School boys teased her about how muscular her arms were so she only just now at the age of 30 she can wear sleeveless dresses showing her arms and that was some big breakthrough for her at Trials this year. Um…..Aly….your own Instagram has pictures of you out and about in sleeveless dresses for years. Look, Aly can wear whatever she wants. But she has been marketing herself very successfully since 2016 as this big mental health advocate. So she has to have all sorts of things to say about how she overcame these major insecurities. It’s just tiresome when she says things which are just so blatantly untrue
It’s a play on a phrase. Maybe it’s pop culture?

there’s always Google.

this is actually more in line with what I meant.
Not saying her symptoms aren't linked to how she treated her body when doing gymnastics, but if they started drying the pandemic, they might just be COVID-related like for so many other people....
I like Aly, but she can be really disingenuous. Saying she was made to feel so insecure because in High School boys teased her about how muscular her arms were so she only just now at the age of 30 she can wear sleeveless dresses showing her arms and that was some big breakthrough for her at Trials this year. Um…..Aly….your own Instagram has pictures of you out and about in sleeveless dresses for years. Look, Aly can wear whatever she wants. But she has been marketing herself very successfully since 2016 as this big mental health advocate. So she has to have all sorts of things to say about how she overcame these major insecurities. It’s just tiresome when she says things which are just so blatantly untrue
I feel like I've heard her say this about her arms before, several years ago, but maybe I'm remembering a different person. I just remember reading an interview with a gymnast who had been teased as a teenager for her "man arms" and "man shoulders."
I feel like I've heard her say this about her arms before, several years ago, but maybe I'm remembering a different person. I just remember reading an interview with a gymnast who had been teased as a teenager for her "man arms" and "man shoulders."
yes, Aly has spoken many times about how boys used to tease her because her arms were so muscular. That was not my point. My point was that in this interview she claimed she was so traumatized by this teasing that she could not wear anything sleeveless and it was a big breakthrough that she can finally do that. This is clearly not true -- and her own Instagram proves that.
I haven't listened to the podcast, but maybe she meant she can finally do it confidently? There are plenty of things I've worn (especially on special occasions) that made me really self-conscious at certain times but I'd be able to truthfully say "I wasn't comfortable in this before but I feel confident wearing it now." Or I could be projecting/misunderstanding her.
Not saying her symptoms aren't linked to how she treated her body when doing gymnastics, but if they started drying the pandemic, they might just be COVID-related like for so many other people....
She was also diagnosed with migraine headaches since she has retired and stroke symptoms are not that uncommon with some migraine types. I assume they have considered that though.
She was also diagnosed with migraine headaches since she has retired and stroke symptoms are not that uncommon with some migraine types. I assume they have considered that though.
Yes, my partner gets migraines and he can't feel one side of this body and can't speak for a few minutes when he does. Definitely looks and feels like a stroke when you dont know about it. It's awful and I'm sorry she has to deal with that.
I like Aly, but she can be really disingenuous. Saying she was made to feel so insecure because in High School boys teased her about how muscular her arms were so she only just now at the age of 30 she can wear sleeveless dresses showing her arms and that was some big breakthrough for her at Trials this year. Um…..Aly….your own Instagram has pictures of you out and about in sleeveless dresses for years. Look, Aly can wear whatever she wants. But she has been marketing herself very successfully since 2016 as this big mental health advocate. So she has to have all sorts of things to say about how she overcame these major insecurities. It’s just tiresome when she says things which are just so blatantly untrue
I just find her so tiresome. I wish she'd go away.
She was also diagnosed with migraine headaches since she has retired and stroke symptoms are not that uncommon with some migraine types. I assume they have considered that though.
Yes definitely. I get migraines and almost always get numb on one side of my face and have had one pupil blow up. I was freaked out and checked out the first few times, but it really is just migraine related.
Yes definitely. I get migraines and almost always get numb on one side of my face and have had one pupil blow up. I was freaked out and checked out the first few times, but it really is just migraine related.
I have chronic migraines and sometimes lose half my vision completely. It happened for the first time when I was pregnant, and I was rushed to the hospital with suspected preeclampsia (my blood pressure was completely normal). The symptoms can definitely be very similar and are extremely alarming, even when you figure out what it is.
I have had a migraine for a couple days. I had blurry vision, and now I got phantosmia. Brains are weirx.
I get vestibular migraines, which is like vertigo and a migraine all wrapped up together. I always have to have my migraine meds and anti-emetic with me in case I move my head just the right way. I learned the hard way that pilates is not the best idea when you feel a migraine coming on. Even if you've already paid for the class.

The worst was probably when I lost my lunch (literally) while working in a pharmacy cleanroom a couple years ago. I just very calmly put down the chemo I was prepping, went into the anteroom where we garb up, and violently vomited into the sink. I'd only started working there about a month before so it was a great conversation starter. "Yup, yup. I am the tech who barfed up her broccoli in the sink. Yeah, it was great. Which department are you in again?"

Thankfully A LOT of my problem with migraines was due to a severe vitamin B12 deficiency. It's taken me a few years of eating 3 real meals a day and choking down enormous vitamins, but I rarely get migraines now, instead of a couple times a week like I did at my sickest.

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