I guess I was one of the "naysayers" and I have no problem admitting if I missed on an opinion, but my argument is/was more against the popular narrative that Cecile was going to be some miracle maker than an outright failure. My argument is one of caution. I always stated that Cecile and Ryan were a good hire, but there were many unkowns (and still are, the season isnt done and one year is not a trend). I still believe, at best, UGA is 3-4 years before contending for anything if that. And I mean genuinely a threat to win versus some off nights by better teams (looking at you Arkansas). If you look at Georgia's results last year, they showed they had the talent with plenty of scores above 197. Their issue last year was the variability. If you look at the score graphs from last year to this year, you can see the variability is much tighter. So what that tells me is that Cecile and Ryan are doing a good job at getting the team consistent but they are not squeezing or making the gymnasts perform at a higher level than they already were. Remember, this is a team that returned everyone plus some good additions. They deserve credit for tightening the performance up and that alone will make Georgia a top 10 team with the regular talent they attract. But Georgia, while starved for that level of consistency right now, is not interested in being a regular top 10 team. I am still not sure if they will be successful as measured by winning a title.