2022 Commonwealth Games

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Well that was a bloody brilliant competition. First subdivision was a reminder of how hard some of these skills are and had a stand out performance from Daniel Lee (JER). Second subdivision felt like a team competition with the Welsh team doing very well aside from a few blown vaults. Barber (WAL) was a level above the rest with his amazing floor, he gets so much height and had a fab double arabian full out. I always forget that Bevan is still around, lovely to see him do well on PB in particular. There’s going to be some competitive EF given how people were scoring today.

The third subdivision was long but really exciting. At the halfway stage Cyprus were second by only 1.55. They did excellent rings and had well executed simple vaults. The crowd had noticed their gymnastics and enjoyment by this point and I for one was rooting for them. They had a fall on FX, two falls on PH and a hit PH routine that maybe dislocated Georgiou’s thumb? Australia had bronze for the taking but also had mistakes. I was near PH and it was difficult to watch ENG finishing up on HB and AUS on PH at the same time. Gutting for AUS but I’m utterly thrilled for CYP. Their reaction was everything and the crowd just loved seeing them rewarded.

ENG did what they were expected to, excellent job and they made the most of the atmosphere. A pleasure to watch a team hit like that. Unfortunately watching Fraser land was shades of Dalaloyan-watch in Tokyo. Shame not to see Tulloch vaulting.

I’d forgotten what it’s like to watch gymnastics with a non-gymnastics crowd. Some of the comments I’ve overheard have been amusing. It’s a really supportive crowd though. I’ve never heard such loud cheers for gymnasts remounting an apparatus after a fall.
Joe Fraser had his appendix removed? Where’s he been training, Deva?!
Good overview. Yeah, it was really cool to see the crowd embrace Cyprus. I think that UB rotation really did it.

Given how little most people know about gymnastics, I was pleasantly surprised by how the crowd understood what was a good score worth cheering (sometimes loudly) and what wasn’t.

Anyway, I was really really impressed by England. Hit routines all the way through, no major mistakes. Really reliable group of gymnasts.
Watching the Women’s 1st Sub Division now - total splat fest - the girl from Barbados (Erin Pinder) has come off the Beam 3 times - the crowd are really behind her though (it’s quite emotional to watch in my pyjamas with a hangover).

This is probably the biggest competition they have ever done and it’s lovely to see these gymnasts have ‘their moment’.
Something you don’t often see that I’m finding irrationally annoying… Nadine Nathan (Singapore) - her black bra strap has been on view throughout the competition (very Stick It!).

Isn’t there a deduction for this kind of thing?
Sub 1 has been a splat fest, but it’s been quite nice to see gymnasts we wouldn’t normally see compete (or at least be on the feeds). The audience has been really supportive too. They’ve been quite loud, so sub 4 will be VERY loud I imagine.
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The crowd loved her didn’t they! I only watched floor onwards, and hers came off like one of those routines that really connects live. So glad everyone is enjoying themselves.

Trying to work out if we will have any finalists from this sub. The AA and vault seem the most likely candidates. Nadine Joy Nathan is the only one who did two vaults, she’s on 12.425 with an FTY and cannonball. There are three attempting a second vault in sub 2, three in sub 3 and two in sub 4.

She’s also top of the AA with 44.6 which probably will be enough given the 2 per country rule? Think it’s top 20. There are max four who could pass her from sub 2, six from sub 3 and eight from sub 4. So that would mean the top two now, Joy and Emma Yap would worst case scenario be 19th and 20th qualifiers.
MAG AA start list has 18 gymnasts for tomorrow, so I’d assume the same for the women.
I think 44.6 may be enough, just, with the field to come. Sub 4 is almost definitely going to have 8 qualify above that, but 2 and 3 are more doubtful in terms of the countries competing.
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Ah ok. I think you’re going to be right about it still just being enough, for Nadine Joy Nathan anyway. Annalise Newman Achee from T and T got a 5 on bars, which must be her out. Tara Donnelly was going great guns but only got a 8 on beam, so would need 12.5 on floor to pass her. Not sure whether that’s realistic or not.
Sub 2 is over, South Africa obviously are in 1st now. They tied Singapore with only two scores on vault. Pretty good showing from them actually, only a couple of falls. They would’ve been fun at worlds.

In terms of finalists, as there are only five listed to do two vaults then Daries, Napier and Nathan are all in the final unless someone decides to bust out a surpise cannonball. For the AA I think the top 4 must be safe: Rooskrantz, Daries, Nathan and Yap. Bars was mostly a shitshow but Caitlin got 13.35 so would think she’s in given that it’s not a brilliant bars field. Harder to say on beam and floor.
Scotland - on now
England and Wales - around 7.00 pm UK time
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Good to see nobody died in India’s vault rotation… but it was close 🤨
Samanta still looks a bit shaken up even now. I’m not sure if she misjudged her run or what but she did well to save it.

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