Well for every Shawn who is making it work as a mommy blogger/vlogger, there is an Ashton Locklear who seems to be trying to live the high life but ending up in a not great place. (at least from the stuff that has been shared here, I don’t follow her so I don’t know what she is up to these days)
The problem with people doing the insta/influencer life is that less connected/talented/supported people only see the result and think “I can do that! Live a great life, get free stuff, have everyone coo over me, etc” when it is so much more involved and difficult than that and requires incredible luck and help (or at least someone to take all the damn pictures!). I think at least in Simone’s case, everyone would realize she isn’t just some “discovered” star but that kind of life isn’t one that just anyone can lead but kids don’t get all the hardwork and talent she had to apply before getting to where she is. So, overall, it is just “easier” if people who are role models go the standard schooling route even if they don’t exactly use that schooling (like Kyla Ross) because getting educated and becoming successful is more likely than becoming internet famous and being successful for the vast majority of people.