Tom Forster resigns

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At this point, no legitimate coach (elite or NCAA), choreographer, judge, or former gymnast will touch this job with a ten-and-a-half-foot pole (other than Moceanu). You might as well throw your hat in the ring. Look at how it’s an open application for anybody to apply to versus shopping around within the gymnastics community. They know it’s now a hard sell. Might as well start dipping in the gymnternet community and find the hardcore fans who study the CoP and judge for fun.
And in the section about previous contact with gymnasts you can write about the time you got a restraining order from Chellsie for compulsively stalking her to get her to do the juicer with you (that should cover “interest and experience in working on the artistry side” too)
What are people’s thoughts on Mihai?

He’s relatively unscathed right? A safe, known quantity. I can’t imagine him talking too much; which is probably a good thing.
Some people are saying it needs to be a woman.
I think the argument I’ve seen against Mihai is complaints the Australian gymnasts had–things like 10+ days of practices without days off. Take that as hearsay, though.
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I’d think that Courtney Kupets Carter might be looking for a graceful out from her current job…at least based on Spencer’s recent breakdown of the Georgia team’s chances this year.
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I literally read that part aloud to my wife as a sanity check, it’s just so baffling
Is Kelly Hill an option? I don’t really follow US gymnastics in depth so i don’t know if she has had problems with gymnasts
Dawes has since been critical of her.
I wouldn’t say “critical” rather “vaguely alluded to something without being specific”.

Which should be taken with a grain of salt. At the same time she made vague accusations she also promoted her new gymnastics academy as a “healthy” alternative to USAG.
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I’m sure that I have read some bad things about Hill especially in the aftermath of the Nassar scandal. She was a very vocal supporter of “old USAG” and keeping the status quo on social media. Strongly supported Steve Penny. after the story broke Wanted to keep the ranch and the camps there even though survivors didn’t want to return. I think she called Aly and some others “liars” when they complained about conditions and lack of food at the ranch.

I don’t think Kelli Hill would be a good move
Which is why if USAG truly wants change, they absolutely have to clean house of old regime/ old coaches etc.

Mihai was brought up as an option, but really, he was part of the old regime as well.

Interesting that Courtney Kupets Carter was brought up in the NCAA thread. Her job is currently on the chopping block at USAG. This could be an out for her. She is a former USAG athlete, has coaching credentials, has dealt with the media, is used to managing a team, etc. etc.
She probably wouldn’t want it and I am sure that she would be taking a huge pay cut, not to mention uproot her family from their long time home.

However, if she is in danger of losing her position this might be an option for her.
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