Simone in New York (and other post-oly fun)

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Such a double standard.

Simone Biles just finished the Olympics and has some down time and at 24 is perfectly legal to have an alcoholic beverage.
She gets blasted for doing so.

Then you have Tom Brady who is completely drunk as a skunk and barely able to walk, and acting like a fool, but it’s ALLL GOOD because he just won the Super Bowl.

Such hypocrisy and blatant sexism.
I don’t think Sunisa is as much as the new Simone, but Sunisa is indeed a true champion !

José M.
I am having an alcoholic beverage just now. I am drinking a goblet of red wine from Chile.

José M.
At this point, I gotta think Simone is being very deliberately provocative with her social media. She does love the drama.
She’s posted about alcohol plenty of times before. I sincerely doubt she’s trying to be “provocative” with an offhand mention of drinking tequila on a Friday night at age 24.

I’d hesitate to read anything into a bog standard social media post. It’s like saying she’s deliberately trying to incite drama by posting swimsuit pictures of herself on insta, another thing people who are far too concerned with her business have complained about before. It’s really not that deep.
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Its not just that one post. I don’t care that she drinks. I do find it a bit odd that as a professional athlete her advisors have not convinced her to have public social media channels for what amounts to marketing and private ones for her more unfiltered moments.
I wasn’t implying that anyone here cares that she drinks.

She’s said quite a few times that she likes being real on her social media and likes connecting with her followers as an authentic human person after so many years of being expected, as a gymnast, to be robotic. I think she’s actively opposed to only ever posting marketing and has expressed distaste for it in the past. Also, she gets an overwhelmingly positive response for being #relatable anyway that far outweighs the tiny amount of people yelling at her for whatever. So I doubt her advisors are all that worried about it.

Also, her being candid about mundane things on social media because she’s grown now and no longer scared of USAG/the NTC getting mad at her is a far cry from Miley Cyrus post-Disney style acting out.
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I’ve got the soundtrack:

Also, her being candid about mundane things on social media because she’s grown now and no longer scared of USAG/the NTC getting mad at her is a far cry from Miley Cyrus post-Disney style acting out.
I don’t think posting about a woman’s right to choose and the ugliness of the foster care system count as mundane.
I mean, they would be for someone who’s not famous and, frankly, plenty of famous people also espouse their political views all over Twitter. They’re things she believes in/clearly feels strongly about and she was asked, so she answered. A woman’s right to choose is newer for her to make an explicit statement about (though she’s liked and retweeted plenty of things in the past, particularly about anti-abortion legislation being about control), but she’s been loudly talking about the foster care system and advocating for foster kids for years. None of that amounts to her deliberately trying to be provocative or going on a Miley Cyrus-style tour of rebelling against an image vs. just being candid about her opinions/beliefs.
There’s an irreverent tequila ad with the twisties story there somewhere, though i doubt any of the parts involved in said ad would approve
She liked a bunch of replies about tequila being how normal people get the twisties so you never know lol.
As someone whose political opinions probably cover the gamut, depending on the topic, I don’t know if less-than-progressive has to equal judgemental (though I know it all too often does). I usually just say “centrist” because that is easier, but that’s still “less than progressive.” (FWIW I agree with Simone on some things, disagree with her on others, and don’t think less of her as a person because of that. My best friend would agree with Simone on most all of this, I think.)

Edit to add something that is probably more squarely on topic-- Frankly I think Simone just doesn’t give a rat’s backside how most people see her and her opinions anymore. And to that I say, good on her.
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