Kara Eaker, from University of Utah to ?

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Yes, that tweet about transfer portal eligibility is correct (unless something changed on the last few months that I don’t remember). Given the timing, I’d be surprised if any current Utes enter the portal.

I do believe that the gymnasts that just signed NLIs can request to be released without penalty and sign elsewhere.
Yes, that tweet about transfer portal eligibility is correct (unless something changed on the last few months that I don’t remember). Given the timing, I’d be surprised if any current Utes enter the portal.

I do believe that the gymnasts that just signed NLIs can request to be released without penalty and sign elsewhere.
Thats interesting. While I agree that I dont see any transfers, I actually think timing is pretty good. Gymnastics, unlike football or basketball where different offensive and defensive schemes are installed, is pretty transferable. And it is the end of the semester so its not like leaving school in the middle. But the logistical challenges could be tough.
Ding dong.

Id also be surprised if any current athletes decide to transfer at this point, that would be quite the disruption in the middle of the school year. I’m curious if we’ll see any movement among the commits, though.
“mutually agreed to part ways”…

Austin Powers Doctor Evil GIF
Yeah, basically, we aren’t firing you because we won’t admit guilt. But you will resign if you know what’s best for you.
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Well that was fast.

I am honestly surprised they kept her after being complicit to Farden's abuse.
Well, they didn't fire Tom until he publicly suggested he was going to sue his former athletes, which Dockendorf hasn't done...
And before Kara Eaker and Kim Tessen came forward publicly .... that was the ax for Farden right there, was just waiting for the ax to drop.

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