Figure Skating Thread (Olympic Spoilers/Discussion starting at post #16)

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Did Zhou bomb again? This is my shocked face.
Karen Chen and Vincent Zhou killed America’s long-shot chance of winning. And Japan going up or down in rankings is very unlikely.
And then the pairs threw some dirt on the grave. But at least the ice dance should get back a point or two on Japan…now if Karen can stay in spitting distance of whichever skater Japan is using…
Maybe the awful food is contributing.

I suppose if Zhou tests positive tomorrow it is too late to substitute him with Ilia Malinin
Zhou has tested positive and is out of mens comp. Bad luck for him, but he still leaves with a medal.
Why is Karen Chen doing both events in the team whereas Vincent and Nathan split for the men?
they didn’t want mariah helping in the team?
rewarding for Karen placing 4th last year at worlds and helping secure the 3 spots at Olympics and worlds?
but surely if she did one and mariah did the other she would still get a medal and would be less tired for the singles??
I thought Alysa would have a chance to do free skate, since when she hits she is the best American as well as the fact she couldn’t do it at Olympic Trials.
I think they are only allowed to switch out skaters for two of the four disciplines. If Nathan Chen wanted to do only one skate, then they had only one more switch available.
And it probably made sense to get the two ice dancing teams medals since they likely won’t both medal in the main event and both teams are top quality.

ETA: Though I totally don’t understand banning a non-team athlete from competition if they have a positive test. It isn’t like they can infect a ton of people if precautions are taken (though, geez, who is the one infecting everyone? I think there have been more positives than during the summer games). Like if a downhill skier gets it but isn’t feeling any effects, it isn’t like they are in close contact with anyone, let them race. Pairs or ice dancers, okay, that gets tricky, hockey–bad idea, but a singles skater, make them stay masked through their warmup, stick them in a quarantine room until it is their turn, send them back to quarantine instead of the kiss and cry, and lets move on.
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I still don’t understand why Karen Chen was the only one in the team for the women’s singles.
I think they are only allowed to switch out skaters for two of the four disciplines. If Nathan Chen wanted to do only one skate, then they had only one more switch available.
That makes sense that only 2 disciplines can be swapped as it makes it a bit more fair or the teams that only have 1 athlete qualified or 1 athlete designated for team event.

USA had 3 entries each discipline but pairs, where there are 2
Italy had 2 pairs and 2 men, 1 dance, additional slot for ladies
ROC had max 12
UKR had 1 each plus additional for ladies
JPN had 3 Men and 3 Women and 1 Pair and 1 Dance
GER had 1 in each discipline plus additional for men.
GEO had qualified 1 in each discipline
CZE had qualified 1 in each discipline
CAN had 3 dance, 2 men, 2 pair, and just 1 in women.

Chronologically, mens and then ice dance are the first two events.
So that means women and pairs come after and have more rest time.
So I can see the US going with this option as the men and then ice dance are their best chances at medals.
Pairs is highly unlikely getting a medal but bronze is not impossible if some ROC pairs slip up.
Ladies have virtually 0 chance at any color medal with the ROC quad squad in action and others drastically improving.
I still don’t understand why Karen Chen was the only one in the team for the women’s singles.
It appears that countries can only switch out two disciplines.
If that is the case they switched the men out to #1 get more rest and #2 give both Chen and Zhou a chance to test the ice (Zhou is now out) as Zhou was an outside contender for a bronze medal.

Ice Dance has the best chance at a medal but likely not two. But same strategy.

ROC didn’t switch anyone out but used their top contenders in each discipline, likely to give them experience with both programs on the ice.

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