Figure Skating Thread (Olympic Spoilers/Discussion starting at post #16)

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The ISU removed team event points accrued by Kamila Valieva but did not reapportion the ordinals. So ROC team (excluding Valieva) was moved to third place.

The Russian Olympic Committee plans to appeal.

Skate Canada also plans to appeal. The Canadian team is in fourth, but reapportioning the ordinals would put the team in third.

The ISU removed team event points accrued by Kamila Valieva but did not reapportion the ordinals. So ROC team (excluding Valieva) was moved to third place.

The Russian Olympic Committee plans to appeal.

Skate Canada also plans to appeal. The Canadian team is in fourth, but reapportioning the ordinals would put the team in third.

The appeals will further delay the awarding of medals. The ISU may have figured out a way in which to make no one happy.
I don't understand the decision not to reallocate the points. So the results now say Japan placed first in both women's events but only received points for second place? How does that work? Is it like the Tours de France Lance Armstrong won, so officially there is no winner now?

It can't be because there were fewer competitors in the women's events, because other events had teams scratch because of Covid and still awarded full points.
At least it's finally resolved but I feel for the medalists. It took two years to get their medals and they were denied their podium moment.
So ISU are saying that you can be a "team" without competing in all events of the team competition?

Indeed. A couple countries did compete in the team event without doing every discipline. So that's already been established.
Hopefully Canada will win the appeal.
Russia should have just been disqualified. If they chose not to DQ, they should have reallocated the points respectively for women.
Indeed. A couple countries did compete in the team event without doing every discipline. So that's already been established.
I don't know if it has been "established" per say. The athletes were forced to withdraw due to testing positive for COVID. They had no other athletes in their discipline, so had no replacements.
The team shouldn't have been held at fault for a teammate testing positive and as a result no points earned. The consequence in itself is that it got 0 points for the round of competition.

However, in this case Valieva is DQ'd, NOT withdrawn as the others were.
They are still allowing her to keep her 10 points for both rounds, but they are not being added to the team total.

This is not the same as if a skater withdrew due to COVID.
In order to treat it the same, they would have to give Valieva 0 points and then give the proper points to the new placements due to DQ.

I would say Canada has a good chance at appealing. Only 1 point off Russia's total, but if Valieva is DQ'd, Canada should have 55 points, not 53 and would over take them.

US and Japan would each bump up 2 points as well. Giving US 67 and Japan 65.
Outofshapeworthlessloser by Gracie Gold dropped today. Already burned out on stick-thin girls who weren’t eating i mat not watch for a long while if ever again. Especially after seeing the Russian doping machine at work.
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Wow - this is a doozy of a report with all the makings of a Hallmark movie
  • Explanation 1 - the accidently contaminated glass of water by Grandfather because she shares glasses and waterbottles when they drive to training
  • Explanation 2 - grandfather accidently contaminated her strawberry dessert because he crushes his tablets on the same chopping board that he chops fruit to make her deserts
  • Explanation 3 - her mother buys her supplements - she doesn't know where they come from - perhaps they were contaminated
  • Explanation 4 - there were a lot of people milling about and accredited to the competition on dubious grounds - perhaps they contaminated her food/drink
  • Explanation 5 - deliberate sabotage

PLOT twist 1 - Kamilla was apparently diagnosed with "athlete's heart" and took cardiac medication
PLOT twist 2 - "grandfather" was very unhelpful to the investigation, Refused to give evidence. Refused to provide details of prescriptions and treatments. Apparently "grandfather" is very very sick with heart issues, has suffered multiple heart attacks and suffers poor eyesight so unable to testify. Yet, on the other hand, he had no problems, apparently, driving 2 hours every day to pick up Kamila and drive her the 200 metres from home to training.

PLOT twist 3 (possibly unrelated) the lab that analysed the samples Karolinska Institutet suffered a catastrophic failure of their freezer system wiping out decades of research that affected 16 of 19 freezer systems. Unclear at this time whether a technical fault or sabotage is the cause - Police are investigating

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