Do you think Li Shanshan is a good gymnast?

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beating a dead horse wtf GIF
Li Shanshan's execution scores were actually not significantly different between the two competitions:

2007 World Championships - 8.625
2008 Olympics - 8.500

However, she lost 0.3 in her difficulty score between the two competitions.

2007 World Championships - 6.0
2008 Olympics - 5.7 (2 1/2 twist was downgraded to a double twist for being underrotated)

2 1/2 Twist underrotated -> Credit as Double Twist, C element
Double Twist -> No DV, substitute the next highest valued skill, which is an A element

6.0 - 0.10 (devaluation of the 2 1/2 twist) - 0.30 ('repetition' of double twist) + 0.1 (counting A element) = 5.7

The underrotation of the 2 1/2 twist is easily visible from this angle:

Of course, Li ShanShan’s skills in floor exercise is not world-class. But in fact, she has achieved bronze in floor exercise at Chinese National Gymnastics Championships 2007.

Her skills in floor exercise is equals to most other Chinese WAG

Lu Yufei has won floor exercise in Chinese National Gymnastics Championships 2021, but in Olympic Tokyo 2021 she just able to score 13.166 in team final.
Hi @Iminhanoi
I think I speak for most of us when I say that we are glad to have a new member contribute so enthusiastically to our community. Particularly when there isn’t very much going on in the gymnastics world. Some of it has been very interesting and well received, such as your updates on what some of the retired gymnasts are doing these days.

However, several of us have tried to kindly and diplomatically hint to you that the content and number of your threads are beginning to feel tiresome. They seem to be vessels for you to express your views and pontificate on your favourite topics, rather than to initiate any meaningful discussion.

We all have our favourites, and you’ll definitely find another couple of posters here who share your love of Chinese gymnastics. Perhaps it might be an idea to start a general thread for Chinese gymnastics.
Xiao Sha was something special for sure, wow. I just rewatched her 2007 TF routine, which had so many small errors and still scored 16+. She scored 14.65 in qualifications so must have had a disaster (15.65 in AA with very large errors). Gorgeous switch ring since we've been chatting about them.
We don't talk enough about Xiao Sha.
FYI, the admins have been talking about this. Thank you for the patience and politeness already shown. We're on it, and we will have a resolution one way or another in the next day or so, I think.

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