The Gymnaverse has been really kickin’ during the Olympics! Thank you to everyone for making this such a great place.
Here is mission #3…
INVITE A FRIEND… get one friend to actually register at Gymnaverse! (inviting a friend that does not register does not...
We have really gotten the site going nicely. Current stats are…
340 Members
300+ Topics
12,000+ Posts
Here is Mission #2…
Install Gymnaverse on your mobile device.
iOS Directions
Android Directions Coming
Follow us on Twitter & Facebook (in case of site...
Welcome to the first post in the Mission Control (aka community news) category. This is the category that will hold all of the news and updates about the site.
We already have 400+ members… thanks for joining!
Some of you may be noticing the space theme… GYMNAstics + uniVERSE = GYMNAVERSE...