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  1. JJS_5056

    2023 Paris world cup

    Or, maybe, if you are challenging for an Olympic AA and FX title, and want audiences then and in the future to respond in a positive way to your routine, you shouldn’t select music that will require them to have researched the plot of an obscure movie? Whether “car crash” sounds were involved...
  2. JJS_5056

    2023 World Championship Event Finals Day 2 MAG VT/PB/HB & WAG BB/FX (Sunday 10/08)

    No. Only 4/8 (Simone, Sanne, Pauline, and Ashikawa Urara) have medaled. Off-hand, Atlanta had 6/8 (Miller, Podkopayeva, Gogean, Kochetkova, Moceanu, Marinescu) and a European Champion (Galieva).
  3. JJS_5056

    2023 World Championship Event Finals Day 1: MAG FX, PH, SR & WAG VT/UB (Saturday 10/07)

    I don’t think it matters 1 bit that the gymnasts are from the same country; we’ve seen gymnasts impacted (sometimes, even scarred) by decisions - not accidents - made within their federation/country: Kim Kelly, Roza Galieva, Vanessa Atler, Courtney McCool, Natasha Kelley, Mattie Larson, Brenna...
  4. JJS_5056

    Antwerp rewind

    The collapse of the Russian team post-London and after ousting Alexandrov. Komova (meningitis), Afanasyeva (ankle injury after looking hot for AA, VT, and FX medals that summer), Paseka (back injury), Grishina (punished for missing Russian Cup; injured and retired in 2014 after AA and BB bronzes...
  5. JJS_5056

    2023 European Gymnastics Championship, April 11-16 Antalya, Turkey

    How in the world did Jessica Gadirova score 5.7 D / 7.833 E on BB? She had no Dance CR (clear loss of balance between the Straddle + Wolf), so her D Score is 0.5 too high. As far as execution, I had her at 6.20 (-3.70 in execution, -0.10 in artistry). It’s bad enough a routine with a Korbut...
  6. JJS_5056

    Weiler Full

    I really miss seeing pirouettes performed with more of a “healy” type of technique, however. Back in the 1997-2000 quad, for example, you’d see both 1.5 pirouettes to mixed/el-grip, and forward full pirouettes done with release of the arm, and it just looks so much smoother that way. I never...
  7. JJS_5056

    Weiler Full

    They did get excited? Khorkina and Chow - for whom the Stalder 1.5 was named for at the time - received praise throughout the 1994-2000 period for their use of stalders and pirouettes at a time when a Giant 1/1 was a D element, and close-bar skills were seldom seen. Since when do gymnastics...
  8. JJS_5056

    Sabrina Voinea's Floor

    Agreed. The dance between her 1st and 2nd tumbling line, and prior to her triple turn (as you mentioned) in her 2021 routine are great. She’s a gymnast I’d love to see with a 3-pass routine; a Silivas, Double Layout, and Front>3/1 is a great routine.
  9. JJS_5056

    Atlanta Compulsory FX

    The problem is the current WAG COP is a putrid mix of requirements and “freedom” already. For many of these ideas, the “compulsory” round would have more enjoyable, interesting, and well-executed routines. Like so many of the rules/changes in WAG, this is avoiding the root issue, which is: the...
  10. JJS_5056

    Gabby Douglas Comeback Thread (New goal: LA 2028)

    In an ideal world, she - and other gymnasts - would do something like: 1-arm BWO + BHS + LSO or BHS + LSO + Korbut. The 1st being an easy +0.1 for an elite without risk of transitioning from Dance to Acro; the 2nd being a nicer option to get close-to-the-beam for composition/choreography...
  11. JJS_5056

    Gabby Douglas Comeback Thread (New goal: LA 2028)

    It’s insane that the following would receive no CV per the BB requirements: Stella Umeh’s: BHS + LO/Whip/Pike + BHS + LSO Kuznetsova’s: RO + LO + FHS (even if this is a FWO - arguable since there’s clear flight in the beginning phase - the point stands that if she cleaned it up, it wouldn’t...
  12. JJS_5056

    FEEDBACK PLEASE: Does the forum software matter to you?

    The lack of pagination is brutal. I’m on desktop and any thread > 10-20 posts is unbearable. IF the additional posts load fast enough for me to wait around, I often receive an error and am forced to quit, or am diverted back to an earlier set of posts if/when I make it to the bottom portion of a...
  13. JJS_5056

    2022 Dutch Worlds Trials (injury discussion warning at post 26-41)

    I mean, it’s dreadful, but with no reward for sound composition, and haphazard penalties for poor composition, I don’t find it any worse than a FX routine with 3 progressions of a Double Back, for example. For some reason, the WTC think a 4th toe-on/stalder/free-hip entries into very different...
  14. JJS_5056

    The FIG (finally) publish the 2022-2024 Help Desk

    I can compare PDFs - what is the original file to compare this to?
  15. JJS_5056

    Jessica Gadirova's season-high floor score

    This highlights issues with both the COP and its application as it exists. The DLO hop was larger than her Double Tuck, but was it 0.99 or 1.01 meters? While the COP tries to be objective to a fault in the case of a 0.99 vs. 1.01 meter step (requiring a 300% larger penalty for a ~0.1 meter...

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