Roberson Scores Domestic vs. International

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Jan 27, 2021
Reaction score
I’m using scores from the Cairo World Cup here as reported by Gymternet.

Bars qualification: 5.1. 6.3. 11.4

Vault Final:

5.2 8.833. 14.033
5.0. 8.933. 13.933

Avg 13.983

Her domestic scores

Vault today

per USAGYM app
5.6. 9.050. 14.650
5.0. 8.6. 13.6

Bars today with a fall
4.4. 6.7. 11.1

to be continued. I can’t do this on the tiny phone screen.
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Video from Cairo of beam:

5.8. 7.433. 13.234


6.3. 8.0. 14.3

Cairo floor

5.9. 7.8. 13.7

Today floor

6.4. 7.6. 14
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Make of it what you will. Straight up comparisons or interpretation.
Her beam score is a huge issue, but the Vault and Floor scores are fine, in my opinion.

Cheng: 9.05 is totally legit. It’s only a little crooked on the table. The leg form is not perfect, but it’s nowhere Maria Paseka bad (and maybe even better than Carey). It has good height and length. It lands upright. Not a lot in steps.

DTY: Most of you were complaining because you can’t do math and thought she got a 9+ E-score. She got 8.6 on a vault that has plenty of height and rotation, minimal pikedown. They definitely penalized her fairly for the errors.

Floor 7.6 is a POOR score for a hit exercise — they did what they were supposed to. We are so used to low 8s and high 7s because people are messy, lack artistry, AND make multiple substantial errors, but 7.6 for this performance is totally fair. She lost 2.4 – that’s a lot of 1s and 3s!!!
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DTB beam 6.0. 6.5. 12.5.

Winter Cup. . 6.0. 7.3. 13.3

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I just watched a compilation of all Chengs up to 2019. Hers is one of the better ones technically. If she could only keep fix the leg separation, it probably would be tied for the 4th best of all time behind Andrade, Biles, and Downie, tied the Hong sisters.

(Cheng had good form, but she did a quarter on to a Kas-full.)

And you have to Andrade in there, and of course, hers is AWESOME.
Hopefully the Landis can work with her on that beam routine. She seems like she’s willing to put in the work. I wonder what would be a good replacement for the Onodi?
I would say a back pike after the split+pike jump, but she does have a back tuck already in there.
If she takes the Onodi out, she shouldn’t replace it with anything. Just count a bhs B. That being said I think the worst skill in the routine is the switch 1/2
The 14.3 beam score is far too high, but it was perhaps the best routine of her career to date. She received 13.733 at Pan American Championships, what she did today should probably be expected to hit that number.

The switch 1/2 is currently very unpleasant but time has to be given for it to improve. At least she’s getting it around right now, that’s something. I wonder if she is also working towards back handspringing into the Onodi, it would create a nice .2 cv bonus.

Her Cheng is very real and Jordan needs to get one or she’s in trouble.
It’s that classic thing of a gymnast having a technically decent but messy Cheng. I think we just got much less tolerant of that, because from 2016 onwards we’ve now seen multiple gymnasts who can actually tick both boxes.
Her beam significantly improves from Cairo World Cup. There were a few wobbles in her routine. Today’s beam routine is more difficult, no wobble, more confident and better choreographed. She can work on switch 1/2 more in the future.

On floor, she scores higher internationally. Her Cheng is a good one, so that’s a great upgrade from her Mustafina.
I think if she does front aerial, nobody will bother anymore even though she receives the same technical deductions. She has the criticism for doing Onodi that is mostly done by very flexible gymnasts. There is no good replacement other than front aerial because that skill can milk cv.
That was 2 years ago, and her onodi wasn’t as bad then. The lack of flexibility on the onodi today suggests she’d struggle with a front aerial
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No, it’s the opposite of what you said. Prior to 2016, we never had seen a technically proficient Cheng, but several of them could keep their legs together and feet pointed.

Biles was the first to twist the preflight squarely onto the table and repel upward to set it up before twisting. Paseka maybe deserves the most credit for that prior to Biles, despite the horrid form, but everyone before that (Cheng, both Hongs, Skinner, Sosnitskaya) had a technically deficient vault.

This is really a place that Ellie Downie does not get enough credit. She did a damn good Cheng.
I think Roberson’s front aerial was okay, but I wonder why she has not stuck to the layout mount. In the video @gymfan posted, it looks good.

This gymnast should do ONE split position in her exercise to fulfill the requirements, and not a single one more. She’s only losing points every time she tries to split her legs, including straddle.

Also, she really should be doing a full-in dismount, I would think.
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Is that not the same point?

Before Simone, at most we got one of good technique and good form. You’re correct to highlight Paseka as the person with probably best technique, given how square she was and the dynamics, but obviously lacking form. A lot of others cartwheeled it somewhat, like Cheng Fei herself. Since then, we’ve got much more used to people doing it properly. Simone, Andrade, Ellie Downie and to a lesser extent some of Jade’s earlier attempts although not now. We don’t have to choose any more. Roberson’s effort is like when we did.

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