2025 NCAA fantasy drafting

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Nov 18, 2024
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Hi Everyone,

I'm a fairly new to the world of college gymnastics but I quickly become obsessed.

As someone who is participating in their first season of fantasy gymnastics, I'm calling for help from my fellow gym nerds.

At the moment, I'm trying to do my draft through gymlitics.

A few questions

I'm using the CGN spreadsheet for data, but its very overwhelming, does anyone have any spreadsheets for separate events including AA What are your general tips and strategies, all ideas welcome :) Maybe Silly question but Is number 1 in your draft the person you want the most or least? i would presume most but wanted to check as number 1 is on the bottom of the list. how many AA and event specialist should I choose. Any particular gymnasts you would recommend? An overview on how it Gymlitics works with drafting? Honestly, Any and all help is appreciated, even if I didn't ask a question about something but you think the information may be useful in anyway, please share!
Using road to nationals can be helpful to sort by individuals events (and less overwhelming):

CGN also as a section on their website for more information about drafting and fantasy gymnastics

The injury tracker also helps not to choose a team of injured athletes:

Drafting closes on NYE, and your teams are selected and opened to view on New years day. Your athletes are choosen by being randomly given a number (1-20) of people in your league, and that number gets their first draft pick (and continues 1-20, then 20-1, 1-20, etc. until all 20 spots are filled for all people)

#1 athlete is the one you most want

A Tip that would have helped me my first year: Fill up spots with as many athletes as possible (I didn't know this my first year, and thought that the you put were the 20 you get, and ended up with only 6 athletes I wanted, and the rest either rarely used by their teams, or out with season long injuries
A Tip that would have helped me my first year: Fill up spots with as many athletes as possible (I didn't know this my first year, and thought that the you put were the 20 you get,
Glad I wasn’t the only person that made this mistake! 🤦‍♀️
I played a few years ago and made a couple of teams. One, I tried to get all the best gymnasts but I think I was last to go in my group so that didn't go swell. My second team was made of all Petyons, Hannahs, and like Ella/Ellies--whatever looked like the most popular names of the year. That was fun but light on vaulters. I didn't win.
how would you recommend doing the breakup of AA and event specialists?
I played a few years ago and made a couple of teams. One, I tried to get all the best gymnasts but I think I was last to go in my group so that didn't go swell. My second team was made of all Petyons, Hannahs, and like Ella/Ellies--whatever looked like the most popular names of the year. That was fun but light on vaulters. I didn't win.
Thanks for sharing your experience!
For Chloe: Live draft rules and spreadsheet:
For Chloe: Live draft rules and spreadsheet:
Do you send in all of your choices at once, and then, when its your turn you get the first option that has not been taken, or send it in at your time slot? (Will a random gymnast get assigned if you don't submit one on time?)
Do you send in all of your choices at once, and then, when its your turn you get the first option that has not been taken, or send it in at your time slot? (Will a random gymnast get assigned if you don't submit one on time?)
You can send in a list of choices to the commissioner if you want to but the idea of the live draft is to see who has been taken and to decide among who is left that would best fit your roster. If you you do not choose during your turn and time, and you have not sent in a list then your spot will be left empty until your next turn.

On the days of the draft I will open a link for a google chat attached to the spreadsheet and you can post your choices there or you can email me.

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