NCAA 2025 broadcast schedule for ESPN and affiliates

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Feb 6, 2021
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PAC12 was a good competition to attend.
Inter squad viewing. Utah’s is on an ESPN.

What is plus?
Means it requires signing up and paying for more subscriptions. Like Disney+ and AMC+. With the advent of streaming, a lot of people decided to "cut the cord" meaning they canceled cable or satellite because it was costly to pay for a bunch of cable packages just so you could get the few channels you actually watch. But all these companies decided they were going to drain the fuck out of people's wallets one way or another so now every channel and production company has its own streaming subscription. Just to watch these competitions would necessitate three streaming subs.
I don’t get any of them. Just too expensive anymore.
@MaryClare I have ESPN, ACC, SEC, ESPN U, Big Ten, Pac 12 on my FUBO (streaming cable) so I can watch those, but the + (plus) is behind a paywall.

Its like having the NBC streaming channel Peacock, with general content, but the rest of stuff is Peacock +so you need to pa additional for that content.
That’s the trend. People paying for Paramount Plus thought they had Yellowstone. Nope. it’s on Paramount Network. When cord cutting started I fantasized about being able to order and pay for just what I wanted but it never happened.

I’m looking for a lower-cost version of Sling or Hulu. Something with some of the sport channels. I am trying Philo but there appears to be zero sports and lots of Hallmark/Lifetime/Amurrikan living.
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We suck it up and pay for Sling (Orange+Blue) and the Hulu/Disney+/ESPN+ bundle to get all the sports we want. Thank goodness out cell phone provider gives us the full MLB package for free, otherwise we'd probably be paying for that, too.
For a while it really looked like Netflix would have all the movie-type things and Hulu would have all the tv shows, and because you paid to subscribe neither would have ads. And then.
For a while it really looked like Netflix would have all the movie-type things and Hulu would have all the tv shows, and because you paid to subscribe neither would have ads. And then.
That's what I thought as well, with Amazon Prime added in to round out a big three and other streaming services would be for niche interests (e.g., Crunchyroll for anime, Criterion Collection, Viki for Asian dramas). But everybody wanted their own pie.

What's really egregious is how, if you still have cable or similar, and a channel is advertising a new show, but it's only going to be on their streaming service and you paying for the cable package for that channel doesn't entitle you access to the streaming service (though the premium movie channels HBO, Starz, Cinemax, and Showtime do give you free access via your cable/satellite service).

Also, with production companies playing musical chairs with who owns what IP, something you'd expect to be on, for example, Peacock because it's an NBC/Universal IP, but it's on another service because of some kerfuffle or contract. I think they're still sorting out 21st Century Fox's IPs after Disney bought them.
@rlayt I have FUBO and its 89 a month I believe. I added the sports package for 7.99. Its 114. something a month. I have it for Jan-Apr then I discontinue the sports package from May-Dec so I have to for NCAA season.
Not NCAA related but Peacock also has a deal for a year sub for $20. Be worth to have for next year’s competitions.
Utah posted that Jaylene Gilstrap will be performing her floor with a live pianist at their event on Friday. Sounds like this music was also composed for her? I didn’t imagine we would ever see floor done to live music again; this is pretty brave of Jaylene to try.


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