2023 Individual Chinese Nationals

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Feb 2, 2021
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2023 Individual CHN Nationals AA

2023 Individual Chinese National Championships were this week. None of the World team members attended and only Zhang Xinyi from the Asian Games team competed here. There were qualifying rounds, AA Final, and Event Finals. There was also a bonus system in place, where bonus was added to the score in EF, I noted it. There was bonus in AA too but I didn’t want to add it all up. I’ll just add the AA final result sheet at the bottom and you can see where some bonus was added.

Zhang Xinyi fell twice on BB in the AA final but her high day 1 score kept her in the lead.

All Around Final - Quals + Final
  1. Zhang Xinyi 54.699, 52.331 - 107.030
  2. Xiang Lulu 53.199, 53.099 - 106.298
  3. Luo Huan 53.399, 52.533 - 105.932
  4. Hu Jiafei 52.599, 50.865 - 103.464
  5. He Licheng 52.066, 50.865 - 102.664
  6. Chen Xinyi 50.932, 51.332 - 102.264
  7. Gao Siqi 50.732, 49.699 - 100.431
  8. Lin Haibin 48.066, 50.882 - 98.948
Vault Final - 1st VT, 2nd VT
  1. Ye Dandan 13.066, 12.733
  2. Wu Jianqiong 13.133, 12.633
  3. Gao Siqi 12.966, 12.500
  4. Fan Qingru 13.000, 12.300
  5. Li Wen 12.966, 12.133
  6. Zhang Yitong 12.433, 12.566
  7. Shang Zirou 12.166, 12.633
  8. Wang Hua 12.733, 11.633
Uneven Bars Final
  1. Du Siyu 14.300 (.1 bonus)
  2. Hu Jiafei 14.133 (.1 bonus)
  3. Yang Fanyuwei 14.100
  4. Luo Huan 13.966 (.1 bonus)
  5. Xiang Lulu 13.766
  6. Zhang Xinyi 13.700
  7. Jin Xiaoyuan 13.666
  8. He Licheng 13.200
Balance Beam Final
  1. Luo Huan 14.033
  2. Yu Hanyue 13.566
  3. Zeng Qinxin 13.566
  4. Shang Chunsong 13.533
  5. Lin Zihuan 13.033
  6. Hu Lin Hexing 12.933
  7. Zhang Xinyi 12.733
  8. Lin Haibin 12.000 (.2 bonus)
Floor Exercise Final
  1. Chen Xinyi 14.100 (.5 bonus)
  2. Yang Jingxi 14.000 (.4 bonus)
  3. Shang Chunsong 13.766 (.5 bonus)
  4. Zhang Xinyi 13.500 (.1 bonus)
  5. Luo Huan 13.033
  6. Hu Jiafei 12.300
  7. Hu Lin Hexing 12.066
  8. Jin Xiaoyuan 11.633
2023 Individual CHN Nationals AA Final
Chen Xinyi FX final

Yang Jingxi FX final

Yang Jingxi is a great dancer, and this is really not a great camera angle for seeing that, so here’s her routine from the full Chinese Nats back in May of this year lol. That was broadcast on TV so much clearer picture.

Du Siyu UB final

Hu Jiafei UB final

Luo Huan BB final

This Luo Huan bb routine is so much more pleasing to me than the ones China sent for worlds (although Zhou Yaqin had some very nice elements).
Zhang Xinyi FX final 5.3 D, 8.100 E, .1 bonus, 13.500

Shang Chunsong FX final 5.8 D, 7.466 E, .5 bonus, 13.766

Shang Chunsong BB qualifications 5.9 D, 7.866 E, 13.766

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Thank you for the videos. Was this some sort of closed comp? Its sad that there is not audiance. I’ve always had a soft spot for Shang Chunsong.
Was this some sort of closed comp?
I don’t believe it was closed, it’s just not as big of a deal as the full team nationals in May, and even there the stands weren’t completely full.
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wow apparently they closed down the youtube account that was posting these?
wow apparently they closed down the youtube account that was posting these?
That sucks, I wonder if they got reported for some past video that was on a broadcast? This competition was live streamed by the Chinese Gymnastics Association and there are videos of almost everyone all over Weibo. I was just putting the videos on YouTube here since they embed nicely right into the posts.

Here’s Shang Chunsong’s FX again from another account, I’ll find another video of her BB on something else tonight.

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Usually what hits the uploaders is the music in the video, there are programs that automatically scan the video for copyrighted music.
Which is why some uploaders have muted the floor music at times, or don’t have the music.

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