Viktoria Listunova and Kaylia Nemour are competing.
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results eventually...
Izbasa really was a good all-arounder. She got victimized by the codes bar need and without an Amanar to compensate, it was always going to keep her down.
Nistor was always interesting too (messy). She had publicly said that she felt she could have at least medaled in the AA in Bejing if...
So let me see if I got this.
Sabrina gets a ND for OOB. Her mother fails to inquire on the ND but the D score. And Because the FIG is run by vastly superior intelligent humans, there’s a distinction in how you can examine that. So on the flip side, if she went one second over time say (which...
Well, if the wrong person filed Jordan’s appeal… the whole point is moot too.
We have too many questions and no real answers and frankly, we might not get them. Let’s hope it’s an overhaul at the end.
'94 was weird because there were two Worlds that year too. I thought individual worlds were in the spring and team worlds in the fall (after US championships).
'94 was interesting in general for politics within USA gymnastics since Bela was really out of the picture with seniors at this point...