What's frustrating about this (one of many, many frustrating things) is that this particular rule is clearly barely ever enforced - and that inquiries seem to be so haphazardly done in general, to the point that nobody is entirely clear on the rules and routines are sometimes wholly rescored and...
Someone on Reddit tallied up the eleven cases where an Olympic medal has been stripped for something other than doping.
If the medal swap goes ahead, Jordan will be the only person to lose a medal through no fault of her own.
I look forward to the full CAS findings here too.
Some sort of submission to the FIG with suggestions to improve objectivity, transparency, and fairness of scores could be in order. There have already been a number of options floated on the board. It would be interesting to collate them.
Yeeeep. It seems Nadia is closely engaged so that may force the FIG’s hand.
Surely all you have to do is specify in the rules that line judges must be located within X metres of each corner? Clearly the sensor-based system has failed QA.
This is an interesting idea. It would encourage inquiries on principle rather than a last-ditch effort at a medal (which I'm not against, but don't necessarily want to facilitate either).
If the screenshots and the armchair judges do declare that Gogean was short, I'm going to be immaturely...