I like the last training one. That would look nice with sleeves.
Of the competition ones, the red one is fine. The pink would be ok without the side cutouts. The blue is heinous.
I realized what Fred and his white tights/shorts combo reminds me of. It looks like when we’re getting ready to go skiing and my husband has his thermal underwear tights on but isn’t quite ready to put on his snow pants yet, so he puts his pajama shorts back on top of his thermals and walks...
I don’t love it. It might be better if the color of his tights was the same as his shorts. But it breaks the line and draws more attention to leg form. With just the shorts it looks fine on floor, but I prefer the fitted top. It looks cleaner.
Also the “tight pants aren’t manly” thing is so...
My kid did a season of baseball last year in 3rd grade, in a league that was 2nd and 3rd graders. He was the oldest kid on his team at 9 and I swear they were the runtiest team we saw. Half the kids on the other teams looked like they were getting ready for middle school but they were still 3rd...
I grew up in a town that is a major feeder for the Nordic Combined team so tons of the kids ski jumped. I had zero desire to learn, ever. Those kids are bonkers. Love me some downhill but I’m gonna keep my skis on the snow thank you very much.
My husband is terrified of heights and when we were...
I still giggle at Spencer’s live blog from PH “circle circle circle weeeee circle circle weeeee circle dismount”
I think the one armed twirly thing is a weeeeeee element 😊
Good point!
Can you imagine how many pearls would have been clutched if Flea performed in a sock during the closing ceremonies? The skirt that kept opening in the wind was wild enough lol!
We only tuned in briefly and caught from the Olympic flag hand off through Billie Eilish.
My 9yr old is very familiar with the Red Hot Chili Peppers thanks to driving in the car with me, and even has several of their songs on his own playlist, so he liked that part. But apparently I’ve...