Amanar's basics really deteriorated after compulsories were discontinued. As a whole Romania did not look great.
I really enjoyed watching Moceanu. I really like an older moceanu.
I really like that it goes to my last viewed comment on a thread. I find this incredibly helpful in terms of where I left off reading inside the thread.
Kyana George Volunteer coach at Alabama
Can LSU take back the scholarship since she already signed back in November? It looks bad on LSU if they did.
Gabrielle Gallentine is transferring to penn state
My first memory was watching the 92 olympics. I could not get enough Shannon Miller. I followed Shannon all the way to 1996 and watched that tape over and over again growing up.
I strongly believe he knew this was coming and sold the gym earlier this week however I am shocked about the suicide. I feel really badly for the victims. I hope they can get some closure.