I’m bored as batshit at the moment, so going to tinkle with the time conversion table I did to add in subdivision times and who is competing when. I’ll create the new one but leave the other one for who ever wants to look at it. Not sure how useful it is for others, but I’m having fun 🙂
Completely agree about Carey’s coaching success, however I don’t know how that expertise would transfer to a national scale. Besides, he is a gym owner and may not want to have to step back from the day-to-day running of the gym to free up time to take on national responsibilities. But I think...
It is going to be interesting to watch how she handles the slaughter. If she does anything other than compete in qualifications, I will eat my hat. If she wins an individual medal, I will be very, very upset.
I’m not claiming that he is competent at all aspects of his job. He needs help with some, such as interacting with coaches and athletes to provide guidance on routine construction etc. I think he is just too quite, which is interpreted as incompetence. I stand by my belief that things would...
We don’t know what Tom is doing when he isn’t attending meets or visiting gymnasts. It is plausible that he simply hasn’t had time to do everything expected of him. If that is the case, USAG should hire a National Coach and let Tom carry on performing his duties as Coordinator.
Coaches should be advocating for their athletes, not just teaching them how to swing bars. Christian should have been asking for Tom’s advice and input, and ensuring that she was known as one to watch. Ultimately, I think both Tom and Christian should shoulder some responsibility. I remain...
I thought I had a handle on the team structure until hearing that the +1s would be first in line to be replacement athletes for the actual team. Therefore, it was going to be imperative that an AA’er was the additional +1. I think if Riley knew that only AAs were going to be in contention for...
Thank you everyone for making trials so much fun. I loved that discussion jumped from technical details to interpretation of every smile or non-smile on the sidelines.
I’m stoked that Grace is the 4th athlete and dismayed that Skinner is the +1. I still think that spot should have gone to Riley...
Wong had that big mistake on BB dismount on night 1. If that is going to be overlooked for her to make 4th spot, then Riley’s fall should be overlooked on UB. I’m desperately looking for an excuse to legitimize Riley for +1.
The aim should be increasing the number of gymnasts in EFs. There is no point bringing someone who is going to be fighting two other Americans for a VT berth. Bring someone else to increase medal prospects.