But why let it happen twice? If you know that in-competition testing doesn't count (and he absolutely would have been notified after the first missed test), then why not be more careful the next time? (Not to mention that the other athletes don't seem to have had this problem.)
I agree. I almost feel like who's to say what is visible in realtime? If I have poor eyesight or am not well-trained enough to spot a 180 split, does that mean I get to deduct it because it wasn't "visible" to me? It just feels very unobjective, which is strange considering that all of the...
"Smoothie King Center"? Am I reading that right? I know most stadiums have corporate sponsors but for some reason this one sounds so much weirder to me.
That website also says Nadia Comaneci died in a car accident on Tuesday?! https://www.kickaction.com.ng/2024/09/06/6-times-olympic-medalist-is-gone-the-6-times-olympic-medalist-nadia-comaneci-died-after-been-struck-by/
So it may not be the most reliable source, unless something happened to...
True but Miley Cyrus isn't from LA. I think they're doing all LA/Californian artists. (H.E.R. who did the anthem is from Northern California)
(ETA: neither are the other names brought up above)
Yeah the LA part is supposedly a beach party with surprise guests or something like that. I'm guessing at least Snoop since he's from Long Beach and was all over these Games?
She may have had an EB-1 (as an Olympic medalist she has a straightforward case - and I believe she's the only NCAA gymnast who is an Olympic medalist not from the US?), and being from the UK she's not subject to the same quotas/lines as some people.
It is realllllly slow. Like the stuff is cool but boy do they drag it out. I don't need to see the person in a costume walk for 64 seconds before putting the flag in the ground.
Edit: at least this is better breakdancing than we saw in the breaking competitions :D
I was at Worlds in 2015 and Europeans in 2018(?) in Glasgow -- I think they do a great job putting on sporting events. (Euros was a multi-sport championship with events happening in Glasgow and Edinburgh; I wonder if they'll do the same for CWG)
Dong Fangxiao's teammates also lose the medal through no fault of their own. (Whether Dong can be argued to be at fault is a different question that I don't want to wade into -- but the other members of the team weren't involved at all.)
I don't follow rhythmic, but I did watch that youtube series about Raskina, Varfolomeev, and Margarita Kolosov. Raskina spoke reasonably decent German and did interact with the girls (on camera at least) in German (although I got the definite sense that Varfolomeev wasn't 100% comfortable in...
I thought if there was an inquiry in they evaluated that before flashing the next score? So that's why it took 5 minutes between the two?
In any case, I agree that 1 minute is a very short time and that I wouldn't have necessarily interpreted that as "exactly 60 seconds". But those were the...