Lol IKR? In my family my aunt named my cousins Armand and George, my brother’s twin girls are Isabel and Elise, and my sister’s twins are Mathew and Jake. Not that that helped me tell them all apart when they were babies! Except for Army and Georgie. Ones a curly haired blonde, the other has...
Even though one has her warm up suit on, I STILL can’t tell the Gadirova twins apart! 😆 And that one is slightly taller than the other. Twins run in my family but even that experience doesn’t help! Does anyone know which twin is the elder? Jenn or Jess?
Your post makes no sense. Wieber didn’t know until Aly’s final score was up that she didn’t make finals - so naturally that’s when she immediately broke down and cried. Jordan didn’t just bravely hold it in till the bitter end - she FOUND OUT at the end.
But she didn’t thank goodness. I’ll always want Suni to medal over Simone’s more basic routine. And Simone might have fumbled as well, like half the field here.
VERY bitter I’d say, judging from the snarky remarks about alleged lack of emotion on Suni’s part when she found out that she was Olympic champion, and the apparent issue with Suni’s beam dismount - which is now allowed by the FIG. Suni was forced to water down a little bit due to her bum ankle...
For some maybe but not for me. 🤷♀️ Suni’s win is legit and, if not for the bum ankle, she might have scored even higher, especially on vault and floor.
The moment Suni found out that she’s the Olympic All Around champion. I hope this is ‘emotional’ enough for the snarky Negative Nellies, Wet Blankets, Party Poopers and overall haters. 😏
Actually, I think they listened to our own experts here on Gymnaverse. 😎
Eta: Could someone please tell me which Gadirova twin is the oldest? For the life of me I can’t tell them apart! They are both just adorable too! Twin stars! 😍😍
AWW! The 3 girls are taking selfies! 😍 Oh my heart, what an All Around final! I thought that beam had decided it and that Suni only had an outside chance at a medal! Like the old saying goes - It ain’t over till it’s over!!
Poignant medal ceremony. So sad there were no ‘crowds going wild’ but I am BEYOND thrilled!! Since Morgan couldn’t be here, this is my dream podium!!! Suni LEE baby GIRL! 2020 Olympic Gold Medal Champion!! First Hmong American medallist in the AA, Rebeca Andrade first Brazilian medal in...
You must not be watching the same feed as I. Suni was ecstatic and there were hugs all around. And her Olympic gold is well deserved, and she is an awesome All Around champion no matter what YOU think. 😎